Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Especially at a young age, it is important to pay attention to the dental health of children. Therefore, we offer an all-round package for children, which protects the teeth of your children perfectly.
"... Kindermund announces the truth ..."
Unfortunately, this is often a sad truth. This is proven, among other things, by a study on the dental care of the generations. According to this, the dental care habits (good and bad) are already fixed at the age of six years and are largely demonstrated by the parents and other legal guardians. A particularly lamentable finding is that caries is recognized by most adults neither as a disease nor as an acute threat to dental health - and the negative consequences of this ignorance are unfortunately shown in many children's mouth.
Through careful oral hygiene and a balanced diet, the child's dental health can be positively influenced during pregnancy. We are happy to work with our patients to develop a prophylactic and nutritional program.

Sometimes, however, even the best prophylaxis does not suffice, and dental prosthetic or orthodontic treatment is also necessary in children and adolescents. This is z. As is the case when it comes to damage or tooth loss as a result of an accident. Child-friendly and tooth-friendly (colored fillings, children's crowns) solutions as well as a patient and loving therapy can then quickly forget any toothache.

- Braune, Anja-Marion Dr ..: Health Behavior and Attitudes to Oral Prophylaxis in Generational Comparison. Of 2008.

Pediatric Dentistry


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