Paradontosis treatment

Paradontosis treatment

Periodontal disease is an inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial plaque, which can lead to tooth loss. We can prevent this through different methods.
Plaque (soft plaque) and tartar (solid plaque) cause bacteria. These bacteria are the main cause of gum disease - called periodontal disease. Although symptoms such as redness, swelling and bleeding are characteristic of periodontitis, it often remains unrecognized and untreated.

The bacteria will have enough time not only to attack the enamel, but also to nestle between the tooth and gum in the tooth pocket. In the long term, this leads to inflammation of the gums to the gum recession - and finally to tooth loss.

With various procedures, periodontitis can be treated sustainably, successfully and painlessly today.
These include:
  • Professional teeth cleaning by a dental hygienist
  • Pocket and root surface treatment
  • Bone structure with exposed tooth roots
  • Careful and tooth-friendly oral hygiene by the patient

Paradontosis treatment


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